Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Language Questions

1. Where does the word assassin derive from?
"Assasin" derives from Arabic.

2. How big is the English lexicon?
It is impossible to know because it's endlessly growing.

3. What prefixes un suffixes do you recognize?
Prefixes: anti-, multi-, poly-, un-
Suffixes: -ious, -able, -ly

4. Why do neologistic borrowings enter the English language in the 18th and 19th centuries?
In the 18th and 19th centuries neologistic borrowing enter the English language due to the interactions between Americans, Dutch, etc. in the colonies and due to the Industrial Revolution.

5. Describe the relationship between empire and language.
An empire controls other civilizations, and it commonly imposes its language among these.

6.  Do you think empires still affect language in the 21st century? Explain.
I think empires do continue to affect language today. The United States is currently an immense empire, and due to this, English is widely spoken all around the world.

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